FJ Brodie Progress Report

FJ Brodie
Writing The Chronicles of Qal'ath
Doing my own artwork (mostly) and fighting chronic pain (always).

Shevezz City

3383 words

Crystal Lamp

The Crystal Lamp illuminates the streets of Shevezz above and below ground, reliant on manufactured, rechargeable "Crystals". Here's how they work →

1962 words

XI: Breakfast at Syndat's

Finally conscious once more, Kanda looks forward to breakfast, while Vazkyr seems troubled.

2609 words

Bycha Zylva

The Bycha Zylva, or Golden Beech, was a towering species of tree once found in Shanvér Woods. It is now, sadly, almost extinct.

1116 words

Shanvér Woods

Shanvér Woods was the name of the beautiful and dangerous wood that existed prior to the First Destruction.

1931 words

FJ Brodie Progress so far

11001 words 110.01% completed!

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The Realm of Qal'ath began simply as one concept...a "what if?" moment. It was followed by me restarting drawing after a decade or more of neglect. Ideas and drawing led to maps, which led me to start the Chronicles. Welcome to the Realm, with conflicted interests, social divides and distorted histories - with a predicted oncoming disaster. But in the shadows, light, humour and loyal friends still flourish to help weather the storms.

Hey, my writing alias is FJ Brodie and, although I've been on WA for a number of years, I've only recently change my username to match.   I am a Dad of one and Husband of one, with chronic illnesses of two (ish). When my pain levels became too great to hold down a 'normal' job, I had to try and find other ways of supporting my family.   But first I had to adjust to the life changes, and I rediscovered drawing and writing.   So, a few years ago, a concept for a new world came into my head from a simple "what if?" question. A few years later, having written quite a lot, failed to get traditionally published, I am still writing.   I've taken the step of opening up Ko-Fi and Patreon to supporters and those that have I am truly grateful for.   Escaping to the Erdàn Savànii is a helpful coping mechanism for me, regardless. I just hope some of yous also enjoy my creations.   May the Elements Protect You

Interests & Hobbies

Anything from characters from my world, to colourful kids' creatures for my young daughter, to characters I have in the gaming worlds I play in. Whatever I feel like, really.

Favorite Writers

Tom Clancy, Margaret Atwood

Favorite Games

The Computer Variety

  • The Lord of the Rings Online
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  The Table Variety
  • Carcassonne
  • Rivals of Catan

Latest Loved work

Navigator Guild

The Sea of Spores.



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