Baklor Progress Report

Session 2 Report- 2022/08/27

As the party approaches the House of Healing, the scene looks a bit different than when you left the previous day.

3358 words

Session 3 Report- 2022/09/23

As the party goes down the lift, Telchar begins assessing the risk level of their descent. Is someone going to try and jump the party at the bottom?

2304 words

Session 4 Report- 2022/10/15

In the dark and moonless night, the party finds itself hundreds of feet above the tree tops in a strange land.

1078 words

Session 5 Report- 2022/10/29

Just as the party was to begin to interrogate the Orc, they heard a rustle under another of the bunk beds. All of the party, including the Orc, readied themselves for another battle.

1245 words

Session 6 Report- 2022/11/06

The party made it’s final preparations to burst into the Great Ulfe’s quarters and attempt to take him out

1384 words

Session 7 Report- 2022/12/03

Sending Bjoyn in as a Scout (with extremely good vision, and extremely BAD stealth!), he led the party down the stairs and into the cavern below.

2162 words

Session 8 Report- 2022/12/17

The party averts a Hunting Party, breaks into the Forge of Fury, and strikes a deal to get closer to slaying the Black Dragon known as Nightscale.

2839 words

Underbarons of Bral

Four underbarons, each one equivalent to the master of a thieves’ guild, compete among themselves for greater shares of influence and income in the city.

552 words

The Noble Council

The nobility of Bral is a fractured group of wealthy landowners each pursuing his own goals. Some are powerful merchants, while others are dilettantes living off their ancestors' hard-earned fortunes.

95 words


Lord Hastain is a @[Reigar](species:c87c9127-209d-48a2-8377-4bf0ca17e66f) who lives in a noble villa by the Edge. His home is an endless party of bizarre entertainments and undisguised depravity.

178 words

Basa Lianin

Basa is a tall young woman of about 25 with an abrasive manner. She is the lady of the House Lianin, a thriving merchant family founded by a pirate captain who was bought off by Cozar.

111 words

Kiade Ellodan

Kiade is the head of the only house of elven nobles on @[The Rock of Bral](location:b935f4bd-38c1-40cb-85c0-eaae32b05bdc), the House Ellodan.

131 words

Morgan Kullek

Morgan is a brilliant merchant and hides his formidable mind behind a sour attitude of bickering and complaint.

133 words

Arkan Nobrodukk

Arkan is the only dwarvish member of the Noble Council. A retired adventurer, he has held his position since Cozar's day.

128 words

Isandra Calanda

Isandra is a trim woman of 40 years with clean good looks and a warm personality. She made her money the old fashioned way—she inherited it.

92 words

Tiendor Alian

Tiendor is a handsome, rakishly dressed halfelf, who is one of Andru's closest advisors and friends. He has known Andru since the prince was a young lad and he has recently returned to Bral after and absence of many years.

128 words

The Unknowable One

Within the cavernous interior of the Rock dwells a mysterious member of the @[Underbarons of Bral](organization:4ad7f509-eb72-49a9-9561-4888f0804b55) who specializes in smuggling.

50 words

Baklor Progress so far

17572 words 175.72% completed!

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